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21 days in May
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The Cost Of A Ticket To Heaven

The Faith, sculpted in stone from Badajoz in 1...Image via Wikipedia
 The current catholic paedophile scandal has rocked the world and it's likely to rumble on for a good while. And fair enough, if you've read my blogs you know, I stand somewhere in the region of - Nuke the Vatican, Let God sort it out - but for the average 'pretender in god' the phrase - "God will heal the paedophile of his perversion! We'll just put him in a room, so god can sort him out" - makes some sort of sense. The pretender in god actually believes, the 'god' is going to do something magical to that person in that room, so that when they come out they are all fixed better.
The problem is, of course, god has never existed, so locking a paedo in a room for a while so he can ask god for help and guidance, and think about what he's done, is exactly the same as doing nothing.
Make no mistake here, it is delusion which has enabled the children's suffering! The mad-as-a-loon, crazy-eyed belief in a god. The flat-stupid faith that the god will ultimately sort everything out for the best! (Panglossian almost)
From the common, everyday, head-in-the-sand parishioner to the topmost, holy suck-up, popiest pope, every last one of them felt safe - comforted by their imaginary grandad's cuddly blindfold.

  • The childrens' belief in god gave the priest more power over them.
The Children prayed for help - none came.
  • The paedo-priests' belief in god amplified the priests gratification - made the offence all the more filthy.
The paedo-priests prayed for help - none came.
  • The nuns' belief in god made them think they had no right to question the priests behaviour.
The nuns prayed for help - none came.
  • The faithful's belief in god made them disbelieve the victims.
The faithful prayed for help - none came.
  • The Bishops' belief in god made them believe the paedo when the paedo 'repented'.
The Bishops prayed for help - none came.
  • The Archbishops' belief in god organised some counseling when the paedo-priest re-offended.
The Archbishops prayed for help - none came.
  • The Cardinals' belief in god transferred the priest to some unsuspecting community and kept it out of the papers.

The Cardinals prayed for help - none came.
  • The Popes, god's representatives on earth, managed the whole nasty sticky mess so 'god' wouldn't be sullied!
The Popes prayed for help - none came.

And all the time, all of these people prayed god would, keep it out of the news, prayed god would, help the sinner, prayed god would, heal the victim. Of course nobody's prayer was answered because, as we all really know, there is nobody to answer them -


And all the time, that the faithful, the nuns, the good priests, the bishops, the archbishops, the cardinals and popes were busy praying hard, a child in the dark was also praying...

"Oh God, please, no more! Don't let it happen any mo-or-ore..."

For ALL of these people, more than a billion catholics worldwide, the cost of a ticket to heaven has recently gone up.
Alongside the normal prostrations a catholic must make, to show worthiness of entry to Pretendsville, each and every catholic must now consider the thousands and thousands, possibly millions, of childrens' innocence, trust, faith and futures that have been destroyed because of the flock's collective afterlife wishing.
I feel for the catholics who choose to continue pretending in god, for them the walls that line the stairway to the kingdom of their god now carry permanently looped video footage of every child that was ever abused by any priest.

If they all had not believed in a god so blindly,
 these monsters would not have been concealed.
If they all had not believed in a god at all,
 there would have been nothing to conceal them behind.

The human cost of a ticket to heaven is already shamefully high.
For the sake of humanity,
won't you just give up
 pretending in god?

This is one of the Too many questions


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21 days in May

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