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21 days in May
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Male Brain Gives Up Secrets Shocker

Well here we are, in the 21st century and, whilst the female brain looks set to defy scanning technology for the foreseeable(lol), for the humble the male brain it's finally happened. Its secrets, truths and indelicate intricacies uncovered, laid bare for clinical scrutiny. (Awww!) For the chauvinists amongst us, you've hopefully guessed that doesn't include me, the disaster comes in the knowledge that it's a woman who is telling its tale.
And we didn't even know it had any secrets! Did we lads? If we had, we'd have hidden 'em - right?
This is a quick clip from the fascinating article in which Louann Brizendine M.D. explains her book 'The Male Brain'. There's loads in it, the article I mean - not read the book but I just might after reading the article. Anyway I think this clip is the most illuminating fact I read...
Love, sex and the male brain
"If testosterone were beer, a 9-year-old boy would be getting the equivalent of a cup a day. But a 15-year-old would be getting the equivalent of nearly two gallons a day. This fuels their sexual engines and makes it impossible for them to stop thinking about female body parts and sex."
Reckon that explains everything?
give her article (http://edition.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/03/23/brizendine.male.brain/index.html) a read, I think she's right on the money with her description of the "Man Trance"

This is one of the Too many questions

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