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21 days in May
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Are We Still Proud To Be British

Well I used to be proud to be British but now I find that the evil practice genital mutilation is going on here and not one politician is making a fuss about it, I find I am disgusted to be British.
British girls undergo horror of genital mutilation despite tough laws
Female circumcision will be inflicted on up to 2,000 British schoolgirls during the summer holidays – leaving brutal physical and emotional scars. Yet there have been no prosecutions against the practice
Please be aware this video is disurbing
While this continues and nothing is done by our politicians or police, it gives the clear signal that we (the Britons) find the slicing up of young women acceptable. I would suggest that the great majority of the Britons would be appalled.
So, the question is simple -
Is every single British M.P. in favour of this evil religion's traditional child abuse?
This is one of the Too Many Questions


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If you enjoy what you read here
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21 days in May

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