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21 days in May
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About The Pope In The UK

This Post is solely dedicated to Glasgow's Amanda Chisholm for her very succinct summing up of how the UK feels about being screwed over by Tony Blair and subsequent officials who have imposed Papa Joe upon us.
I was going to write something myself, I still might, but then I saw this on a retweet by @GodlessAndHappy and I thought I couldn't put it better myself, so I haven't.
Thanks Amanda
Pope Rant by @We_Manda ~ 2morow is a sad day for all the children that has been sexualy abused! It is a sad day for the U.K for letting the pope on our shores... Would ppl pay 2 see gary glitter? The pope has turned a blind eye to those children and keeps the preditors safe! Who keeps the kids safe? It makes me sick that he knows wats goin on! If that was sum1 out of public eye, they would b done 4 their crime, and it is a crime!!! the UK is turning its back on the people of the U.K that hav been abused by letting him on our soil. Think how they feel... Any1 who condons pedophiles is as bad as them!!! But yet the pope is getting a warm welcome? He's a dirty manky bastard. They hav made the uk a free 4 all, lets just walk all over us! Plus take from our poor and give 2 pope 4 a fukin holiday! Sounds bout rite! In the uk we should cum first!! But does it happen NO! I love my country but fukin hell the ppl that run it need bloody rain check! Would like 2 think they actualy gave a fuk bout wat we think!
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21 days in May

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