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21 days in May
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Hopeless Hopefulness

We all know a truth about hope;
we know the patent futility of hoping
for that which currently exists, to exist.

And the converse truth we thereby glean;
One may only hope for things not so,
things not known or knowable.

Hope is a symptom of sentience in the presence of ignorance.
A defensive pretence in the absence of knowledge.
The fearsome battle cry in the face of stampeding destiny,
spawning prospecting premises from which to proceed.

Hope then is the pinnacle of false, the wishfulness climax,
the mental conjuration of a beneficial outcome,
impossibly disconnected from the impending incidence of the causal chain.
An against-all-odds simulation, anticipated in the absence of true solace.

So, when fantastical fables foster fervent false hope,
what hope can there truly be,
for that font of all false to truly be true?

This is one of the Too Many Questions
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If you enjoy what you read here
you will also enjoy my novel
21 days in May

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