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21 days in May
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They Of The Ideology Came

When they of the ideology arose,

first they came for the Joos,
and we didn't speak up because the Joos had invented the problem,

Then they came for the Crustians,
and we didn't speak up because the Crustians had exacerbated the problem.

Then they came for the Musclearms,
and we didn't speak up because the Musclearms had weaponised the problem.

Then they came for the Hinddists,
and we didn't speak up because the Hinddists maintained the concepts of the problem.

Then they came for the Spiritoolists,
and we didn't speak up because the Spiritoolists played in the shadows of the problem.

Then they came for us; the freethinkers, the rational and the scientists
but by then we'd constructed airtight bunkers, released a deadly virus,
and saved what was left of civilisation from the scourge of the ideology.

Don't panic it's just a bit of poetry...
and the bunkers are barely out of planning stage anyway. ;)

With more than a hat-tip to Martin Niemöller's "First they came...", I guess the question for this muse is, what are the chances...
Of a radical ideology with stated goals of global domination springing from ancient misapprehension?
I'm gonna go with 'extremely high'.
Of freethinkers, the rational and scientists being the last to be slaughtered?
Slim to none? Probably.

Anyone else notice an air of impending doom about these magical fantasies?
Like they might just be the death of all of us?
This is one of the Too Many Questions
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If you enjoy what you read here
you will also enjoy my novel
21 days in May

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