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21 days in May
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Anti-Fascism Anti-Racism Anti-BNP

We all know the British National Party is supposed to stand for something,
but they’ve not yet clearly defined which are the Britons for whom they stand!
I mean - 'Britain for the Britons' is a 'nice' sound-bite but who are the 'Britons' and how, are they to be identified as such?
They cannot clearly define who will be eligible for their version of Britain without compulsory testing of everyone's DNA, can they?
And, wouldn't that be a bit of a civil liberties infringement?
Doesn't that mean that a vote for them would be a vote for a boot stamping on a human face for eternity?

So, given their unclear rhetoric, I cannot trust their words and must go with my gut, from what I’ve seen and read about them, and their supporters.

On the whole, I think my opinion is that they are
Bad News People!
And they are going to be a
Bastard Nauseating Pestilence
to get rid of if we let ‘em in.
I think it’s probably for the best
if we treat them as we would a
British Nazi Party
You know the sort of thing
Bare Naked Prejudice,
Branded Noxious Poison,
best known for
Being Nasty Primarily -
Bloody Nice Pitbulls,
But Not Politicians,
and, on balance, probably
Best Never Promoted.

To those in the BNP
- give up and lie down!
When it comes to it, I think the real truth is
Britain’s Not Partisan
Best Not Participate

In support of the Anti-Fascism and Anti-Racism Campaign
HOPE not hate
Exposing the extremism behind the BNP

This is one of the Too many questions


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21 days in May

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