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21 days in May
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There is NO God - Again

Hi friends,
My original blog - "There is no GOD - Official" - was a designed merely to show how the written word can be fake, that although the story may appear to deliver facts this is not necessarily the case.
The explanation of the aforementioned fake report is HERE

Anyway, to my surprise on the 20th April 2008, The Times reported on a survey carried out by the Joseph Rowntree foundation, the question asked of 3,500 people was what they considered to be the worst blights on modern society and was asked to update a list, 'the scourges of humanity', drawn up by Rowntree, a Quaker, 104 years ago.
The overwhelming and resounding response?


I laughed out loud!
Who'd 'a' thunk it!
This is not the first time that art has predicted real life; I expect it won't be the last!
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If you enjoy what you read here
you will also enjoy my novel
21 days in May

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