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21 days in May
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Bill to curb sharia courts in Britain

One Law for All and the National Secular Society back Bill that aims to curb sharia courts in Britain
"Sharia debate in Parliament

The public are invited to a debate in Parliament jointly organised by the One Law for All Campaign and the National Secular Society. The practice of sharia law will be debated and in particular whether it should be permitted under the powers of the Arbitration Act. Sharia tribunals and councils are in free operation across the United Kingdom – some operate under the power of the Arbitration Act 1996. The debate will be chaired by Jim Fitzpatrick MP.
When: Tuesday 28 June 2011, evening
Where: Houses of Parliament, Westminster

If you would like to attend please email onelawforall@gmail.com for details
If you cannot attend, lobby your MP to do so on your behalf.
This is vitally important. Please take some action.
More on Sharia courts

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21 days in May

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