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21 days in May
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A Solstice Prayer

It seems to me that the human race has been tragically misdirected by religion.
Our true, proud heritage has been ignorantly buried under myth and fantasy.

I wrote The Solstice Prayer so that those of us, who know God is not the 'truth' about whence we came, would have an alternative rhyme to read for the ancient, traditional, midwinter solstice celebrations (21st Dec) which have been so rudely trampled by Christianity and re-branded as Christmas.

Anyway, to one and all
A very merry years end
and may causality conspire to make for you
a Warm and Wealthy New year ahead

Hope you like.
Crispy :)

The Solstice Prayer

I Speak of a man; a very wise man,
My old, my kin, my ancestor, my clan.
A man who was here so long before me
Uneducated, undisciplined, unkempt he.

I speak of a man of ancient time,
Pre- Logic and Science, Reason or Rhyme.
On a fearful world he steps in Rhythm,
Created by chance but the planet's best symptom

With rotating Earth, revealing the light,
Then time and again returning the night.
With a many-faced moon arching sublime,
Graceful, Majestic, emblem of passing time,

When turn then on turn and in solar spin,
our Earth's four seasons come marching on in.
And each bring for us, some hope and some fear,
Though most much more hope, than winters grim end of year.

When our kindred read signs and sniffed at the air,
Death-toll honed senses goose-pricked his neck-hair!
Instant comprehension brought then, as now,
Arms raised victorious, head thrown back in howl

At Winter's dark heart, when all light is gone,
With man's worst fears and dream-time as one,
That wise-man knew then, and so, we know still,
That glorious light, defeats winters dark chill.

Today we have grown to know so much more,
and pre-processed Joys are stacked at our doors.
In 'off-the-shelf' rites at dictated times,
Scheduled light-child is born as we chant in line.

No matter your child of light's man-made name,
Whichever mind-picture fits in your mind-frame
You'll find that your faith has a civillised rite,
To mark at midwinter the birth of the light,

Fairy lights, candles, firework and cracker
a warm amber drink and a crackling fire,
bring festive-cheered heart to banish the cold.
Token, iconic, bravado, for the dark to behold

So, with that in mind my Homo Sapien friend,
Stand tall on proud shoulders of ancestral kin,
Feel the raw power of the beast whence we came,
Understand his quest and in his honour proclaim,

Long, clear and loud. As he was, I am; Free,
Evolved as a secular humanist.
A Sceptic, Heretic, Iconoclast.
Unfettered by tradition, custom, conformity

Stand-up Atheist, pseudo-blasphemer.
Proponent of anarchic resistance,
To tenets that force our limitless selves,
To become merely repeated automaton,

Of that elegant, ancestral mammal,
Who fought long and hard for who we are now,
And whose spirit is wholly diminished,
By our endless irreverence of his struggle

Raise you a solstice toast to that very wise man,
Our humble ferocious ancestor.
Who sniffed in the air the returning sun and,
Arms raised, howled long and loud in celebration.

Copyright ©2005 Crispy Sea
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