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21 days in May
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Is It Really All About AssKissing

Sometimes, somethings, are just so entirely brilliant, they make you laugh outloud.
The entire OpEdNews article "Religion and the Asskiss Factor" (1) is a nice piece and well worth a read but I really liked this paragraph.
"So how does all this asskissing come about? I think that it all stems from god being superhuman and infinite in power, wisdom, omniscience and so on coupled with his being a severe and deranged disciplinarian who murders people for either not believing, behaving badly, worshipping other gods or even looking at him. There is no other way to deal with a superhuman psychopathological character as this except by sucking up and flattering, in short, asskissing."
Eric Stone

Thanks Eric.

Also thanks to @mattincinci - http://twitter.com/mattincinci/ for tweeting about it
This is one of the Too many questions

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If you enjoy what you read here
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21 days in May

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