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21 days in May
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But We Like Our Little Fantasies

In the first couple of minutes of this clip from the 1981 Horizon documentary called the “Pleasure of finding things out” Professor Richard Feynman says…

"Science knowledge only adds to the excitement and mystery of a flower.
It only adds; I don't understand how it subtracts"


I don't know if the great man answered his puzzle (or if he was just asking the question to stimulate debate!) but my observation would be that people perceive it as a subtraction because, science removes doubt so, as the mysticism is slowly and steadily removed from the general knowledge cloud, wonderment and abstract imaginings are constrained, the chance for there to be biblical style mythological miracles, fairies or an afterlife etc, is reduced - replaced with plain fact.

Science has no middle ground, if it's the truth, then it's the truth,
and it doesn't matter what anyone ever said or wrote before!

Science has no moral code, no natural wool to happily pull over your eyes when you don't like the truths it reveals.
Science reveals and clarifies reality in all it's unyielding and
fierce, horror and beauty, sexy and revolting, ridiculous and touching, harsh, solid, extremes!

And the greater the comprehension of how reality actually is, the less room each individual has for spiritual, or otherwise, flights of fancy!
And we just DON'T like it!
We like our fantasies too much!

Now, it's fine, a little fantasy from time to time, (maybe more than a little) but we should all, at the very least, have the good grace to acknowledge to ourselves and others, exactly what it is that we are happily lying to ourselves about, and when we are doing it!
This is one of the Too many questions


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21 days in May

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