Dr Williams told The Daily Telegraph: “The trouble with a lot of Government initiatives about faith is that they assume it is a problem, it’s an eccentricity, it’s practised by oddities, foreigners and minorities.
“The effect is to de-normalise faith, to intensify the perception that faith is not part of our bloodstream. And, you know, in great swaths of the country that’s how it is.”
Rt Rev Stephen Lowe, the former Bishop of Urban Life. He said: “He’s absolutely on the ball. Religion is seen as being a problem because of the connection between radical Islam and terrorism that has tainted all religions.
What you have failed to notice my dear ArchBish is that the opinion, of which you've suddenly become aware, is the right one - people of faith ARE oddballs.
- They gather together with others who are also of the opinion that the human body has an undetectable part.
(Check The TRUE shape of your SOUL for more on this.)
- They think that there's a supreme creator of everything!
(Check The Most Probable Thing in the Omniverse? for more on this.)
- They think that their wailing and caterwauling to, and about, him is actually pleasing that God, but because the God they are told to worship can never be fulfilled or surprised...
(Check Let's Think About God for more on this.)
- They think that because they believe in their fairy story to the point of defensive obsession, they have the right to be treated as reasonable human beings, but they are no more than scared children so...
(Check Religion - Refuge of the Weak and Powerless? for more on this.)
I could go on, but I feel we have sufficient...
(Probabbly the only kind of conflation available to the Government, or the ArchBish for that matter!)
brings us to the same conclusion as the beardy ArchBish
(Check The Cost Of Faith for more on this.)
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