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21 days in May
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BBC News. Really? News! To Whom?

11 June 2009, the BBC news FRONT PAGE !!!; a link entitled -
Could Earth collide with Mars?
the link takes you to this video and the paragraph beneath

Scientists believe the Earth could one day collide with Mars or Venus, because of the unpredictable orbits of planets.

Experts say there is only a tiny chance of it happening and it would be unlikely to happen for billions of years.

Full Story - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8094088.stm

Are they mad? The story is be barely noteworthy let alone worthy of being the fifth most important headline on the front page.

Fifth most important to whom Auntie Beeb?
People who are making plans for thier 3 billion year wedding anniversary? And those very long lived humans would have to also be extremely wary, as there is only a slim chance that it might happen!

So this BBC frontpage 'HEADLINE', is ONLY relevant to
psychotically overcautious humans whose genes carry 3 billion-agenarian potential.

Whatever next

Hold the front PAGE
Everest might erode into a plateau!

To put this story into perspective, 3 billion years ago, the earth had only just evolved single sell organisms. So, Could Earth collide with Mars? Yes, but not until it doesn't matter to you or anyone you care about!

This is one of the Too many questions


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21 days in May

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