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21 days in May
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Proof of Evolution - God Bites Ultimate Dust?

Missing link found? Scientists unveil fossil of 47 million-year-old primate, Darwinius masillae

Photograph: Atlantic Productions Ltd

Feast your eyes on what a group of scientists call the Holy Grail of human evolution.
A team of researchers Tuesday unveiled an almost perfectly intact fossil of a 47 million-year-old primate they say represents the long-sought missing link between humans and apes.
Officially known as Darwinius masillae, the fossil of the lemur-like creature dubbed Ida shows it had opposable thumbs like humans and fingernails instead of claws.
Scientists say the cat-sized animal's hind legs offer evidence of evolutionary changes that led to primates standing upright - a breakthrough that could finally confirm Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

Note to God squad - Might it be time to call it a day now? Come on - it's plain now, to every thinking person, that you are just chasing wishes!

This is one of the Too many questions


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21 days in May

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