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21 days in May
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Largest DOS attack ever directed at BNP website

From the "Non-Official British National Party Website for News Views & Information" - Sunday, 24 May 2009
BNP Main Website Down.
Suspected Denial of Service Attack. Recent attempts originated from Russia.

Largest DOS attack ever directed at the BNP site. Yesterday's attack consisted of a concentrated burst of 28 million hits - Today's is exceeding this number, and has resulted in the loss of access to the servers.

Web team working to access the servers to resolve the issue.

(The ‘Denial Of Service’ attacks are acts of Terrorism as defined under Section 1 ( 2 ) ( e ) of the Terrorism Act 2000.)

The attack is so severe that the servers have been shut down. Site will be available at some point tomorrow.

It's Still down!!!
at the time of this posting

I think we can ll agree that whenever puerile nonsense pedalled by overgrown juvenile deliguent bigots is removed from the path of children and the dim, it can only be considered a good thing.

You know, I've always liked the Russians, I don't think I've mentioned it before but Yep, they seem to have the same sort intellectual resourcefullness, the 'make something amazing out of scraps and rubbish', as British male's legendary shed.

In case you were wondering, I had nothing whatsoever to do with this DOS attack, and would never condone an act of terrorism. I'm just bathing in someone ele's misery - is that wrong?

This is one of the Too many questions


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