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21 days in May
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Free Speech is Dependant on Free Thought

I received a note about an article in the Vancouver Sun. ( Egypt pushes for 'free-speech' resolution at UN )
It reports on a UN Human Rights Council resolution tabled by the Egyptian diplomats. Although, 'limited free speech' would be a closer title, as Egypt is pushing for restrictions.
The rest of the article details the usual nonsense about who can do what and when, you know normal committee politics and procedural quackery, quite distasteful human chicanery really.

But my interest was sparked in the penultimate paragraph - check this -
'According the Western diplomatic source, Islamic countries on the council had sought a deal in which the West would refrain from tabling a draft resolution on religious freedom in exchange for a promise by the Islamic group to leave the free speech resolution to the West, and hold off on tabling a text on combating defamation of religions.'

WHAT phenomenally busted up situation!

Islamic countries want to do a deal to maintain their right to use that well known psychological tool 'god' to control their people!
(that's bad enough but then the west compounds it with)
You can keep your religiously intolerant stranglehold on people whom were born naturally free and we won't mind, as long as you allow those people to freely talk about the freedoms they don't have.

Doesn't that leave a big chunk of science that they won't be able to talk about, along with any viewpoint on any subject that doesn't fit the Islamic line?

To both sides

has the right to barter
for either of these freedoms
Every unborn baby's inalienable birthright
are freedoms of thought and speech.

Suppress either,
for even one individual,
and we are all diminished.


Thanks to veganatheist for the heads up on the article.



This is one of the Too many questions


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21 days in May

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