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21 days in May
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It's Just A Delusion

Why aren't people embarrassed to state they believe in the unprovable (gods, and other such magic)

If you went to school and told your teacher that a supernatural being ate your homework, the teacher would most likely dish out 2 punishments - 1 for not fulfilling the assignment and 1 for telling lies, but if you go to school and tell your teacher that you will be absent the next day because you are busy worshipping a supernatural being that's okay!!!

Society is so screwed up, everybody is expected to believe in some nonsense or other, in fact if you choose to follow a path of rationality and ignore all the nonsense you are considered weird.

How have we come to a place where delusion is expected and those who profess an irrational faith are trusted more than the rational?

This is one of the Too many questions


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If you enjoy what you read here
you will also enjoy my novel
21 days in May

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