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21 days in May
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Clearly Not Allegorical

A huge unexploded bomb, left over from a long dead civilisation and ignored by all town residents, because it is town custom to ignore it, is detonated by one who follows the "How to detonate this bomb and totally destroy the entire town and all its occupants" instructions printed clearly, in big helpful lettering, on the device's side.

In the devastating blast almost the whole town is torn from the map.

The only survivor, an old woman, found in a storm cellar two miles from the epicentre, says...
"It probably would have been wiser to get rid of such a dangerous item really but it was the tradition to give Ole 'Divine Retribution' a customary little rub or pat as we went into worship. Nobody ever thought anybody would be mad enough to actually follow the instructions written on the side!"
Cops take her away in handcuffs on a charge of criminal negligence.

At trial the judge decides...
"While the court accepts your whole town sanctioned, by their individual inaction, this unconscionably irresponsible practise, you are the only remaining former resident and as such are culpable, under the law of Joint Enterprise, for the mass homicide, which ensued. For your part then, in the town's residents utter failure to remove or even make safe such a potentially cataclysmic item and for the incompetence of leaving such potentially devastating commands in clear sight, where any old unstable nutter or curious child could easily obey them on a whim and destroy so much, you are sentenced to death. However, as you're a pretender in the same god as me, I want you to sit and think about what your inaction enabled."
So to the question...
Can you see how it's clearly not allegorical?

This is one of the Too Many Questions
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If you enjoy what you read here
you will also enjoy my novel
21 days in May

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