In “Only An Agnostic Part 1” I examined the term in relation to its definition and origins, in this post I’m going to cast a thought across the agnostic position in relation to society.
So, first let’s consider the default value, the level from which we are starting. It is important to firmly register in the mind the state from which we are measuring when comparing concepts and ideas. One would not start testing the purity of water to which Orange juice had already been added and by the same token, we must apply the default human condition in relation to faith in god(s). In scientific terms you could call it the control.
‘Implicit atheism’ is the category of atheism into which an un-indoctrinated baby would fit because it is the position before the input of any data on the topic. So we may assume that the default adult human brain is one which has remained completely unaffected by external philosophical influences and so has no a priori spiritual belief; no faith in gods or any sort of magic, thereby retaining the implicit atheist condition into which it was born. I realise that’s a description of a, currently, virtually impossible adult human but this is a conceptual entity only.
So what has to happen for our default human to find its way to agnosticism?
The default human must be…
a. Confronted by someone who proffers god(s).
b. Only partially persuaded by the arguments or evidence for the proposed Metaphysical Overlord.
So, can we therefore assume that agnosticism only appears to be a rational choice in a society where the god concept is so pervasive as to have soaked into every corner of social psychology?
For the first time in human history we have a model of the universe so complete that much is now irrefutable. Many areas of science cross over; independent fields of study, via different research routes and investigatory criteria, are providing incidental supporting evidence of each other. Looking at all the evidence science now has, as a whole, it is virtually impossible to conclude that any of the cherished creation stories have even a shred of truth.
As I suggested in the previous post, I feel that stating 'I don't know' today is a transition phrase; one can now only really use agnostic as a legitimate label until one comprehends the overwhelming evidence.
It’s already the case that there is sufficient evidence contradicting scriptural guesswork, for any who wish to investigate to see that the Judeo-Christian god is on the verge of being consigned to our very long list of mythologies.
And the evidence can only continue to amass so, if we skip forward a century or two and imagine where the web-powered spread of real facts and information will take us, it’s possible to glimpse a more rational future for humanity.
Now, what if we apply the “what’s an agnostic” question to a society with an atheist bias?
In a society where atheism was the pervasive ethos, wouldn’t an agnostic be considered not merely as having indecision after reviewing inconclusive data, one who just “doesn’t know” but rather thought of as one who is “given to flights of wondrous fancy”?
In an atheist ethos society isn’t agnosticism a proposal for a god?
Only An Agnostic Part 3
This is one of the Too Many Questions
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