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21 days in May
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Peace and Good Will To ALL

It's a world where the great majority are supposed to believe in a god of peace!
Yet here we are again at the great big festival of Christian cheer (or so they'd have us believe), the season when Christians (above all others) with nose somewhat lofted, wield the Christian message Peace and Good Will to ALL like a moral machete.
But in this world which, for most of its history, has been run and organised by the 'peaceful' religious, what do we see?
More death and pain than ever!
People are starving in their thousands and Christians sit about on THEIR day of peace and good will to ALL, bitching about why they didn't get a better present and consuming more food and drink than the poorest of humanity will see in their food deprived short lifetimes!

Nice one Christians.
Happy fuckin Hypocrisy-mas.

Why don't they all just donate to Unicef instead?
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Please give what you can, it's a hard life with no help.

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If you enjoy what you read here
you will also enjoy my novel
21 days in May

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