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Papal Letter of Apology

Pope Benedict XVI has issued a formal apology to the Irish victims of decades of sex abuse by Catholic priests.

Telegraph - Link below

Is he fucking kidding?
An Apology?
Another pitiful apology?
Is this not just the clearest example of how the Papa Joe has absolutely no understanding of reality.
These clergy who have abused the children in their care have not only had sex with a child, they have destroyed that child's life. Every future sexual encounter the child has, every relationship is at the very least tainted by their past experiences.
With the statistics, discussed in "Millios of Clouds, No Silver Lining" (Catholic Evilness page), suggesting that the number of abusers in the priesthood might be as high as 1 in every 25 priests, how can a man who is supposed to be God's earthly representative think it's ok to say sorry and just carry on?
In the light of what has been occurring probably since there was a Catholic church but certainly for more than half a century, and Papa Joe's abismal personal record in dealing with these monsters,
this letter of apology
should have been a resignation.
In 2001, Pope Benedict, then Cardinal Ratzinger, signed an official Vatican document(1) telling bishops to keep secret the details of priestly misbehaviour that they reported to Rome.
The Pope's letter called for "concrete initiatives", which he pitifully details as pray and read the bible so, as his letter seems to display a similar incompetence to his inaction in 2001 here's what I reckon should happen.
  1. The Pope, Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops, and all those who have followed his dictate to keep the secret should be publicly defrocked and excommunicated pending criminal investigations.
  2. "Although the Pope said Vatican officials would visit Ireland (Link Below) to inspect some dioceses, he did not call for any restructuring of the Church in Ireland" - As we cannot trust those who have concealed the truth and scurried to pervert the cause of justice, holding the church's reputation above the destruction of children, the trust of its members and oh yes, THE LAW, it would be irresponsible to allow this malfunctioning ministry to put its own house in order.
    We should now make it a legal requirement for the Catholic church to employ secular social workers, so that children are protected. Chaperoned both physically and mentally.
    A child can be so easily damaged, mislead, and even led astray, and as the children shape the social structure of the future, perhaps it would be in all our interests to ensure that in order to run a church, an organization must be able to provide one secular social worker for each clergy.
You can't get balanced children
if they are only exposed
to an exclusive point of view.

Dear Papa Joe
Time to do the right thing...
If you are not sure what that is,
ask anyone who lives in the real world.
I'm sure many would be willing to show you!!

This is one of the Too many questions


Updated with additional references 28-11-2012

Vatican document(1):
2001 Vatican document Sacramentorum Sanctitatis (with 2003 ammendments) is an update/rewrite(?) of the 1962 Vatican document Crimen Sollicitationis
There's an apparently honest and balanced expose of the documents/letter by Thomas Doyle, O.P., J.C.D Here.
I have been unable to source the actual accompanying letter.
If any one stumbles across it, I'd love to see it.

More on Catholic Evilness on the tab above

Vatican Officials to visit Ireland - BBC

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