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21 days in May
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The BNP - Going Multi-Racial?

During my fervent Anti-fascism, Anti-racism, Anti-BNP campaigning, blogging and twittering, in the run up the the June 4th election, I came by a link to a full list of BNP members, thanks (I think) to an antipodean twitterer for that.

I was scanning through the list when I spotted the same name as an old friend, I glanced across the line hoping the address would be different, but alas his address - It was him! We'll call him Bill.

Last week I met Bill and worked the conversation around to the BNP. Bill, to my surprise, was quite blatant and not at all ashamed of his position as a respected member one of the BNP's heartlands. (To say more would give him away, and further conversations may reveal more.)

As you might expect this was not a conversation I could easily capture on video or even of which I could take running notes, so all I can do is relay the salient points of what he said to me, when I asked what he thought of Nick Griffin.

I'll leave it to you to judge its merit, they're Bill's words as I remember them...

'Nick Griffin?
We all think he's rubbish, a fat ignorant bigot who's doing nothing for the BNP.
He won't last, the next opportunity we get he's gone; we've got another really good guy lined up. This one's much more moderate.
And you'll see the party's white's only rule go aswell, and I'm sure that'll be within the year. The BNP is set to become the party of true Britain, not just the party of the whites!'

Pinch of salt anyone?
We'll see...
Stop the BNP

This is one of the Too many questions


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If you enjoy what you read here
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21 days in May

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